Saturday, January 8, 2011

It's almost time

I haven't written in a while, I always want to but then I am to tired or busy or it's to late, but I am dreading this coming week.  It's when my house closes and the new people move in.  There are so many emotions going through me, knowing that someone else and their baby are going to move in to my house, the house that my sweet baby boy Zachery lived his short 2 yrs of his life in.  I really don't know how I am going to do this, but I will write more later as the day approaches -- and not only that but his anniversary of his death is 10 days later.

1 comment:

  1. I have often thought about moving, wanting to get away from the memories that this house holds for Peyton. Even though she never came home, we awaited her here, prepared for her here, and I feel her all around me. I can only imagine how difficult this time is for you, leaving the rooms and spaces that Zachary filled with his little personality, and made memories in. Just remember, he is always with you, wherever you go, as are your memories of the two of you together. Sending you love as you navigate this tough move. Glad to see you are writing again.
